Drink More Flowers
Organic Blue Lotus Glycerite Tincture Nymphaea caerulea
Organic Blue Lotus Glycerite Tincture Nymphaea caerulea
If you've ever considered exploring the ancient and mythical Blue Lotus, then Drink More Flowers Blue Lotus Glycerite Tincture Nymphaea caerulea is an excellent place to start. Unless you are in Louisiana, in which case, I'm sorry but we can't sell to you (yes, it's illegal there).
Blue Lotus is a flower that needs to be experienced rather than written about.
Our Blue Lotus Glycerite tincture is a delicious and straightforward way for you to experiment and experience Blue Lotus for yourself.
Try ½ a dropper before meditation or bed. Add it to a Dream Tea or pair it with Mugwort.
Organic Ingredients: Glycerin, Blue Lotus Nymphaea caerulea
This listing is for a 1 oz bottle which contains about 24 servings of ½ dropper each.
Each potion is crafted with much love which you can feel once you taste it. Absolutely in love with all of the products, and most importantly - they work.
Gives me so much joy to use them for myself or in sessions for clients.
Thank you!